Zero VOC paint in cans with paint brushes on top

What is Zero Voc Paint? A Look at Healthy Interior Paint Options with Greenguard Certification

Are you ready to refresh your space with a new paint color or touch-up the existing paint on your interior walls? A fresh coat of paint can transform a room, but it’s important to consider the health and safety of your home, as many paints contain harsh chemicals and ingredients called VOCs (volatile organic chemicals). You can achieve the look you desire without sacrificing the health of your home or the loved ones inside of it by choosing healthier Zero VOC paints with the Greenguard Certification. Use this blog post as your go-to guide to learn more about volatile organic compounds (VOCs), the benefits of Zero VOC paints, and where you can find these healthier paint products.


What are VOC’s and How Do They Impact Your Home?


Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are organic, carbon-based chemical compounds that “have a high vapor pressure and low water solubility” according to the Environmental Protection Agency

VOCs easily evaporate into vapors or gases in normal indoor conditions and are what’s responsible for those “new home” or “new car” smells. Many pieces of new furniture, flooring, building supplies, and (you guessed it) paint products give off VOCs, which can cause odors for several years. 

The Environmental Protection Agency also states that indoor air can be two to five times more polluted by VOCs than outdoor air. 

Breathing in these chemicals and pollutants, such as Formaldehyde, d-Limonene, toluene, acetone, ethanol, and more can lead to short and long-term health problems, such as allergies, asthma, cardiovascular disease, reproductive disorders, and some cancers.

Therefore, when choosing paint products for the interior of your home, it’s important to pay attention to the VOCs and take the necessary steps to keep your home healthy and free of these chemicals. 

This is especially true if there are kids, babies, pregnant mothers, or people with health concerns such as lung or respiratory issues in the home, as they are more at risk of experiencing health problems due to the VOCs in paint. 


What is Zero VOC Paint?


If you are looking for a healthier interior paint option for your home, UL Greenguard Certified Zero VOC paint products are highly recommended. Zero VOC paint products that have the UL Greenguard Certification have been rigorously scientifically tested and are proven to be free of these dangerous chemical emissions, making them a much healthier option for your home. 


What are the Benefits of Greenguard Certified Zero Voc Paint?


There are many health and environmental benefits to using UL Greenguard-certified Zero VOC paint.

First off, Zero VOC paints can help reduce the indoor air pollution inside of your home by eliminating dangerous VOCs from the environment. This reduces the risk of the dangerous health problems linked to these compounds. 

Another benefit of Zero VOC paint is that it can help reduce your carbon footprint. VOCs not only contribute to air pollution inside of your home, but also affect the quality of the air outside of your home. By choosing a Zero VOC paint, you can reduce the amount of VOCs that are released into the atmosphere. This can reduce your overall carbon footprint and make your home more eco-friendly.


What is the Best Zero VOC Paint


When searching for a Zero VOC paint product that has been UL Greenguard Certified, look for products that have the UL Greenguard Certification Mark on it, which indicates that the product has undergone professional testing and has been proven to meet the requirements necessary to be certified as free of chemical emissions. 

the GREENGUARD certification to look for on Zero VOC paint

Here at Oak City Coatings, nearly all of our residential indoor painting projects and commercial painting projects use UL Greenguard Gold Level Certified products for indoor air quality.  

Tint used in paints can also add VOCs to Zero or Low VOC products, so be sure to keep that in mind when shopping for paint products. 

Both Sherwin-Williams and Benjamin Moore use Zero VOC tints that do not add any additional VOCs during the tinting process, such as in these products:

In summary, UL Greenguard Certified Zero VOC paint is the best option for homeowners looking for a healthier and more eco-friendly interior paint option. 

If you have an interior paint project on the horizon and want peace of mind knowing that only the healthiest, safest products are being used in your home, reach out and book a free consultation with us. We’d love to help you achieve the long-lasting paint job you desire with the confidence that your home and family’s health and safety is top priority. 

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